JeusAdmin command help

$ jeusadmin
jeusadmin [-h] [-version | -licensedue | [ | -verbose] nodename] [command [command_options]]

JeusAdmin command help

************************** JeusAdmin commands ***************************

************************** common ***************************
allenglist              get a list of all working engines
allnodelist(grlist)     list all nodes including clustered nodes
applist                 list applications
boot                    boot the JEUS Manager
conlist                 list engine containers in the JEUS Manager
connect                 perform command to new JeusCommander for other node
deploy                  deploy application (distribute and start application)
distribute              distribute application
down                    down the JEUS Manager
downcon                 down engine container
downeng                 down Engine
dump                    dump thread stacks on JEUS process
englist                 list engines in the JEUS Manager
ftp                     ftp transfer to the JEUS Manager
gc                      run full gc for the JEUS manager admin connected
jeusexit                terminate JEUS Manager
jndi                    get binded object information to jndi
jndilist                list binded name in the specified jndi context
loglevel                set logging level
mbeanlist               list mbeans
meminfo                 print memory information of JEUS process
nodelist                list node that is clustered with the node admin connected
pidlist                 print pids of JEUS processes
redeploy                redeploy application
rftp                    ftp transfer from the JEUS Manager
start                   start distributed application
startcon                start engine container
starteng                start engine
stop                    stop running application
undeploy                undeploy application

************************** ejb engine ***************************
beanlist                list EJB Beans
compile                 compile EJB module in the container
moduleinfo              get EJB module information

************************** db pool ***************************
disableds               disable JDBC DataSource
dsconinfo               show JDBC DataSource Connection information
dsinfo                  show JDBC DataSource information
enableds                enable JDBC DataSource
reconfigds              reconfig JDBC DataSource
resyncds                recover JDBC datasource transactions. The target pool should exist.
shrinkds                shrink JDBC DataSource
testdsconfig            test configuration of JDBC DataSource

************************** transaction ***************************
tmresync                recover Resource Manager such as JDBC, JMS and Connector

************************** servlet engine ***************************
cfg                     report configuration information
clrstat                 reset statistics of request count and processing time
info                    report current deployment infomation
setcfg                  set configuration information
stat(st)                report current state
ti                      report detailed thread state
webreload               reload elements
webresume               resume suspended elements
websuspend              temporarily suspending
webtob                  resume/suspend a webtob-listener

************************** security ***************************
addcredential           Add a custom credential to a Subject
addgroup                Add a new Group with given group name
addprincipal            Add a Principal to the Subject with the given user name
addsubject              Add a new Subject with given user name
addusertogroup          Add a new member to Group with given group name and user name
assignresource          Assign a resource to a role (role-to-resource mapping)
assignrole              Assign a role to a Principal (principal-to-role mapping)
authorizeresource       Check whether the current Subject has permission to access the specified resource
authorizerole           Check whether the current Subject has permission to access the specified role
checkresource           Check a resource (undo effect of uncheckresource)
checkrole               Check a role (undo effect of uncheckrole)
clearsubjectexpiration  Remove the expiration time for Subject with the given user name
excluderesource         Exclude a resource (make so that the resource is accessible by no one)
excluderole             Exclude a role (make so that no one is in the role)
getgroup                Get Group from the current security domain
getgroupdescription     Get the description for the Group with the given group name
getgroupnames           Get the names for all Group in the current security domain
getgroups               Get information for all Group in the current security domain
getmembersfromgroup     Get members to Group with given group name
getpolicy               Get a Policy containing the given context id from the current security domain
getpolicyids            Get all Policy context ids in the current Domain
getsubject              Get Subject from the current security domain
getsubjectnames         Get the names for all Subjects in the current security domain
groupexist              Existed Group from the current security domain
includeresource         Include a resource (undo effect of excluderesource)
includerole             Include a role (undo effect of excluderole)
ismember                Verify that the user is the member of this group
locksubject             Lock out the Subject with the given user name
removecredential        Remove a custom credential from a Subject
removegroup             Remove Group with given group name
removeprincipal         Remove a Principal from the Subject with the given user name
removesubject           Remove Subject with given user name
removeuserfromgroup     Remove a user from the Group with the given group name and user name
savepolicy              Save policy in the current security domain
savesubject             Save subject in the current security domain
setgroupdescription     Set the description for the Group with the given group name and description
setpassword             Set the password for the Subject with the given user name
setsubjectdescription   Set the description for the Subject with the given user name
setsubjectexpiration    Set the expiration time for Subject with the given user name
unassignresource        Unassign a resource from a role (undo effect of assignresource)
unassignrole            Unassign a role from a Principal (undo effect of assignrole)
uncheckresource         Uncheck a resource (make so that the resource is accessible by everyone)
uncheckrole             Uncheck a role (make so that everyone is in the role)
unlocksubject           Unlock a locked out Subject with the given user name
userexist               Existed User from the current security domain

************************** general ***************************
exit(quit/q)            Exit console
help(h)                 print help message
p(!)                    excute the previous command
setProperty(s)          set property
unsetProperty(us)       unset property


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

미해결 JEUS log error : deploy 작업 시 발생

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Type handler was null on parameter mapping for property 'imgFile'. It was either not specified and/or could not be found for the javaType (org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile) : jdbcType (null)

SLF4J(Simple Logging Facade For Java) org.slf4j.Logger logback.xml